How to Get a Contractor Mortgage as Per Contract Rate
A contractor mortgage is like any other mortgage. But the
underwriting process makes the difference between this mortgage and others. For
example, a contractor mortgage based on a fixed-term contract can allow
contractors to borrow significantly more than conventional mortgages. In
contrast, conventional lenders limit small business owners' financing to a
"salary plus dividend" formula.
But some lenders use contract rate underwriting, which is a
better contractor method. These underwriters "annualize" the
contractor's day rate using contract rate underwriting. Using this gross
figure, lenders and contractor
mortgages brokers determine how much a contractor can borrow.
So if the lender is faced with anything other than the
contractor's rate, it is unlikely that the contractor will get the mortgage
amount they deserve. Here are the most important advantages of getting a
contractor mortgage per contract rate and the ways to achieve it.
The Advantages of Getting a Contractor Mortgage as Per the
Contract Rate
Mortgage amount
Many lenders now offer "contract-based underwriting,"
which calculates a better estimate of the mortgage amount than the gross
contract rate method. This gives umbrella contractors and limited companies
access to large
mortgages. Today, contractors with good credit can borrow up to 5.5
times their gross annual contract rate.
Best contractor mortgage rates for new
New to the contracting profession should not affect their ability
to access contract-based mortgages. By using contract rates, contractor
mortgage brokers can provide contractor mortgages even if they have just
entered the contracting profession.
Expiration of contractors' current
If the potential to extend the contractors' current contracts is
confirmed, the lenders will offer more suitable options to the contractors.
Most lenders expect at least 8 weeks of a contractor's contracts to expire. But
contractor mortgage brokers have relationships with lenders with more flexible
terms, which opens up more opportunities for contractors.
No need for a larger deposit
Some lenders offer competitive rates even with a 10% deposit.
But these lenders are difficult to find and prefer to work with contractor
mortgage brokers. But if the contractors can secure a larger deposit, the rate,
and thus the contractor's repayments, will be lower. Contractors are less risky
for lenders in this case by reducing the loan-to-value ratio.
Ease in the process of proof of income
Many banks and building societies consider contractors to be
high-risk applicants. For this reason, they demand three years accounts from
contractors to prove their affordability. Meanwhile, accounts and tax returns
do not show the real income potential of contractors. But contractor mortgage
brokers can convince lenders that their affordability is evaluated based on
contractors' annual contract rate. Also, a contractor mortgage broker will
provide all the assistance needed to prove the contractor's income.
Ease in getting contractor mortgages
Contractor mortgage approval takes time and many reviews and
evaluates contractor applications. But some lenders are familiar with the
nature of contractors' income and simplify this process for contractors. They
also calculate the mortgage amount based on the contractor's rate. This saves
time, energy, and the cost of getting a mortgage and speeds up the process
Reducing the duration of getting a contractor
Reaching an agreement and mortgage proposal will likely take
time for contractors. However, a contractor mortgage broker can issue the
initial approval as soon as possible after getting the official request of the
contractors and if they are qualified. Once an offer is accepted on a property,
the mortgage begins quickly.
Risk assessment of contractors
Lenders familiar with the nature of contractors' activities do
not view contractors as high-risk customers. If contractors have a good credit
rating and a deposit, they are classified as low-risk applicants and can borrow
at a significant percentage of their contract rate.
Contractors with credit risk
If contractors default on mortgage or credit card bills, more
challenges will be ahead. But there is still a wide range of mortgages
available that suit the needs of contractors. A contractor mortgage broker can
help contractors find the right mortgage.
10. Best contractor mortgage rates
Contractor mortgage rates are generally the same as permanent
employees, and sometimes even contractor mortgage rates are lower. This is
because contractors can pay a larger deposit due to their cash flow. This will
reduce the rate and monthly payments of contractors. However, only a limited
number of lenders consider these terms for contractors.
Conditions for Getting Contractor Mortgage as Per Contract Rate
Getting the best contractor mortgage rates has conditions
mentioned in this section.
The work history of the contractors should be
relevant, and their field of activity should be low risk.
The recent work history of the contractors
shows no signs of unemployment.
The daily contract rate of the contractors
should cover their operational costs and be incremental.
Contractors have formed their own limited
company or work through a good umbrella company.
Use The Advice of a Specialist Contractor Mortgage Broker
The challenges going directly to lenders pose challenges for
contractors. In this case, contractors may face lenders who do not understand
the contractors' situation. The default of conventional lenders is to evaluate
contractors' accounts for three years, and thus new contractors will face many
challenges. Also, any unsuccessful credit application affects future
contractors' credit history.
The advantage of using a specialist contractor mortgage
broker London is that the brokers are familiar with the challenges of
contractors' mortgages. Also, contractors can use the experience of brokers in
large mortgages.
On the other hand, contractors who apply for a mortgage through
a conventional lender must provide a copy of their contract and many documents
to show their work history. In contrast, some lenders take a more flexible
approach to contractors.
However, using the advice of a contractor mortgage broker can
indicate which lenders are most suitable for contractors. Also, with this
method, the application process may be faster and make it easier to find the
best contractor mortgage rates.
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