Is It Better to Get Life Insurance Through a Broker?


A life insurance broker is a specialist who, by understanding insureds' needs, tries to get the best insurance coverage and premiums from reputable insurance companies. Therefore, insureds can use specialist insurance advisors and brokers to buy the best policy according to their needs.

On the other hand, insurance agents are only required to sell the products of their preferred insurance company, but life insurance brokers are not limited to any insurance company. The brokers protect insureds' interests, obtain insurance rates and conditions from all reputable insurance companies, and help insureds find the best offer.

A life insurance broker is a company or an institution that mediates insurance transactions between the insureds and the insurer in exchange for getting a fee from the insurance company, and its activity is limited to providing insurance services. Also, among the other benefits of life insurance brokers are providing specialized insurance advice and assisting insureds in receiving damages from insurance companies.

Duties of a Life Insurance Broker

Official insurance brokers cooperate with insurance companies and institutions. The broker establishes a connection between the insurance company and the insureds. Using their information from the life insurance market, they find the most appropriate solutions and procedures for their applicants and business clients. Here are the duties of life insurance brokers in brief:

1.      Obtaining the necessary information from customers to assess their insurance needs - brokers determine the type of life insurance suitable for customers by checking the insureds' age, medical history, and income.

2.      Searching the conditions of insurance companies and comparing their characteristics, coverage level, and price - by communicating with different insurance companies, the broker obtains the necessary information about the conditions of their insurance services and compares them to find the best options for the insureds.

3.      Pursuing possible compensation for insureds - If the insureds suffer a loss, the brokers give them the necessary guidance and advice to get life insurance and follow up on their work in the insurance companies.

 The Advantage of Using Life Insurance Brokers

Life insurance brokers mediate transactions between the insureds and the insurers, and their job is exclusive to provide insurance services. Using life insurance brokers has many advantages for insureds, among which are:

1.      Specialized life insurance coverage - The importance of a life insurance broker in purchasing specialized, and professional insurance coverage, which sometimes becomes very complicated, is revealed. Because of these policies, policy conditions can affect receiving damages.

2.      Saving time and money - life insurance brokers are the agents of insureds to buy policies that suit their needs. But brokers' income usually comes from the commission they receive from the insurance company. Brokers' commissions for each type of life insurance are specified and paid by the insurance company. Therefore, insurers do not need to spend money over the insurance premium to compensate for the broker's services.

3.      Compare rates and terms of different products - Agents can cooperate with only one insurance company and issue, visit, and do part of the insurance company's affairs. But brokers must protect the interests of the insureds, and in this regard, they can communicate with all insurance companies and evaluate their rates and services. Based on this, the broker can receive different rates and conditions from all insurance companies and introduce the best option to the customer, but the agent is not allowed to do this activity.

4.      Acting as an advisor for insurers - Along with the more complex and specialized fields of activity of insurance companies, the need for professionals to rationally deal with their issues and challenges is felt more than ever. In life insurance, which is considered a complex industry today, a knowledgeable advisor in the life insurance industry is necessary to help the insureds find the best insurance company in addition to familiarizing themselves with various types of insurance services. Brokers have the role of insured advisors and help them find the most appropriate policies. Also, the broker can be present as an agent of the insureds in claims matters and provide specialist life insurance advice to the insureds.

5.      Choosing the right life insurance coverage - Choosing the right life insurance coverage is not an easy task for the insureds in many cases. It is not easy to check the rates and conditions of insurance companies, the type of coverage, their records, and the type of services for insureds. The life insurance broker makes it easy for the insureds.

The Role of AWS Mortgage Life Insurance Advisors

AWS Mortgage specialists, and experienced advisors, while examining the needs, and goals of the insureds, check the appropriate life insurance coverage for the customers. By bargaining with insurance companies, they compare the rates and terms of a wide range of products available in the market.

In different stages of underwriting and policy issuance, AWS Mortgage advisors are advisors for insureds. Also, by handling several cases during the month, our advisors are familiar with insurers' challenges at different policy issuance stages, providing them with the necessary guidance.


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